

Tutorials with introductions to the methods in Mist and video instructions on how to use the software. Follow the videos step by step by downloading the demo geometries from here. For more detailed information about the software and the implementation of the methods, see the reference manual.


Part 1

General introduction to Mist


Part 2

Geometry characterization methods in Mist


Part 3

Getting started with the GUI


Advanced use

Running the computation engine without the GUI, post-processing of 3D output and more


Material properties

Connecting 3D geometry with material properties using the geometry characterization methods in Mist

Other resources






How to cite MIST

Demo videos from Tutorial, part I

General introduction

Introduction to MIST | Exploring anisotropy and heterogeneity in a complex 3D geometry
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Introduction to MIST | Interactive 3D visualization of connectivity
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Demo videos from Tutorial, part II

Geometry characterization methods

Introduction to connected components in Mist
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Introduction to pore size methods in Mist
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Introduction to intrusion porosimetry in Mist
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Introduction to geodesic connectivity methods in Mist: geodesic tortuosity and geodesic distance
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Demo videos from Tutorial, part III

Features of the GUI, creating input files, handling output data and more

Create 3D input files from 2D images, binarize grey-scale image
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Exporting images, loading results from previous analysis, output files, post-processing in Matlab
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Demo videos from Tutorial, Advanced use

Post-processing of 3D data outside of Mist, advanced connectivity methods

Exporting images, loading results from previous analysis, output files, post-processing in Matlab
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Advanced connectivity methods: geodesic channels and geodesic paths | Post-processing in Paraview
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