Geodesic distance is based on computations of distances through the pore space. In Mist you can compute the geodesic distance to a chosen box or to a chosen inlet (starting face).
Definition, geodesic distance to a box
The geodesic distance in voxel v is the shortest distance through the pore space connecting v to the box.
Definition, geodesic distance to an inlet
The geodesic distance in voxel v is the shortest distance through the pore space connecting v to the inlet.
Note: the geodesic tortuosity is the sum of the geodesic distance computed to the two inlets in the chosen direction, divided by the length of the 3D structure in that direction.
In Mist
Each pore voxel that is connected to the chosen box/inlet has the value of the geodesic distance. The solid matrix and unconnected pores have negative values.
The implementation of geodesic distance in Mist is described in detail in the reference manual (see also Scientific resources).
The implementation of geodesic distance in Mist is described in detail in the reference manual. For details about the connection between the geodesic methods in Mist, see this post:
Geodesic distance illustration
Geodesic distance in Mist
Simple 2D structure

Complex 2D structure
How to compute geodesic distance in Mist
(second part of the video)
The video below shows how to compute the geodesic distance in Mist for a demo structure that can be downloaded from here.
Related methods
Geodesic tortuosity
Geodesic paths and geodesic channels (advanced methods)