Here is a list of scientific resources that are relevant for the methods included in Mist. Follow the links to read more about the geometry characteristics and how to compute them in Mist. Lists sorted by each geometry characterization method can be found in the reference manual. Summaries of some of the results related to structure/property relationships are found in Tutorial, Connecting 3D geometry with material properties. If you use Mist in connection with a scientific publication, please cite the software as shown here.
Geometry characterization methods
Barman S, Fager C, Röding M, Lorén N, von Corswant C, Olsson E, Bolin D, & Rootzén H. New characterization measures of pore shape and connectivity applied to coatings used for controlled drug release. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021. Methods: 1D, 2D, 3D pore size distributions, constrictivity, geodesic tortuosity, geodesic paths, geodesic channels.
Blomqvist CH, Gebäck T, Altskär A, Hermansson A-M, Gustafsson S, Lorén N, and Olsson E. Interconnectivity imaged in three dimensions: Nano-particulate silica-hydrogel structure revealed using electron tomography. Micron, 2017;100:91 – 105. Methods: intrusion porosimetry, accessible pore size.
Fager C, Barman S, Röding M, Olsson A, Lorén N, von Corswant C, Bolin D, Rootzén H, & Olsson E. 3D high spatial resolution visualisation and quantification of interconnectivity in polymer films. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020;587:119622. Methods: 3D pore size distribution, geodesic paths and geodesic channels.
Holzer L, Weidenmann D, Münch B, Keller L, Prestat M, Gasser P, Robertson I, & Grobéty B. The influence of constrictivity on the effective transport properties of porous layers in electrolysis and fuel cells. J Mater Sci. 2013;48(7):2934-2952. Methods: 3D pore size distribution, intrusion porosimetry, contrictivity factor, geodesic tortuosity.
Jarvis N, Larsbo M, & Koestel J. Connectivity and percolation of structural pore networks in a cultivated silt loam soil quantified by x-ray tomography. Geoderma. 2017;287:71-79. Methods: connected components, connection probablity.
Lindquist W, Lee S, Coker D, Jones K, & Spanne P. Medial axis analysis of void structure in three-dimensional tomographic images of porous media. J Geophys Res Solid Earth. 1996;101(B4):8297-8310. Methods: geodesic (geometric) tortuosity and geodesic paths.
Moore MJ. Quantitative analysis of interconnectivity of porous biodegradable scaffolds with micro-computed tomography. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2004;71(2):258-267. Methods: intrusion porosimetry.
Ohser J, & Schladitz K. 3D Images of Materials Structures: Processing and Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Methods: pore size distribution (granulometry).
Peyrega C, & Jeulin D. Estimation of tortuosity and reconstruction of geodesic paths in 3D. Image Analysis & Stereology, 2013;32(1):27–43. Methods: geodesic distance, geodesic tortuosity and geodesic paths.
Soille P. Morphological Image Analysis: Principles and Applications. 2nd ed. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; 2017. Methods: pore size distribution (granulometry), geodesic distance, geodesic paths.
Properties of porous materials
Alhosani A, Scanziani A, Lin Q, Raeini AQ, Bijeljic B, & Blunt MJ. Pore-scale mechanisms of CO2 storage in oilfields. Scientific reports, 2020;10(1):1-9. Properties: flow and wettability.
Bossa N, Chaurand P, Vicente J, Borschneck D, Levard C, Aguerre-Chariol O, & Rose J. Micro-and nano-x-ray computed-tomography: A step forward in the characterization of the pore network of a leached cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research. 2015;67:138-147. Properties: mechanical strength.
Ebner M, Chung DW, García RE, & Wood V. Tortuosity anisotropy in lithium-ion battery electrodes. Advanced Energy Materials. 2014;4(5):1301278. Properties: electrical conductivity, diffusion.
Ghanbarian B, Hunt AG, Ewing RP, & Sahimi M. Tortuosity in porous media: a critical review. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2013;77(5):1461-1477. Properties: electrical conductivity, heat transfer, diffusion, flow.
Harris SJ, & Lu P. Effects of Inhomogeneities-Nanoscale to Mesoscale-on the Durability of Li-Ion Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013;117(13):6481-6492. Properties: electrical conductivity, diffusion.
Kehrwald D, Shearing PR, Brandon NP, Sinha PK, & Harris SJ. Local tortuosity inhomogeneities in a lithium battery composite electrode. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2011;158(12):A1393. Properties: electrical conductivity, diffusion.
Lee SG, & Jeon DH. Effect of electrode compression on the wettability of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources. 2014;265:363-369. Properties: wettability.
Lu X, Bertei A, Finegan DP, Tan C, Daemi SR, Weaving JS, O’Regan KB, Heenan TM, Hinds G, Kendrick E, Brett DJL, & PR Shearing. 3d microstructure design of lithium-ion battery electrodes assisted by x-ray nano-computed tomography and modelling. Nature Communications. 2020;11(1):1-13. Properties: electrical conductivity, diffusion.
Luo L, Lin H, & Li S. Quantification of 3-D soil macropore networks in different soil types and land uses using computed tomography. Journal of Hydrology, 2010;393(1-2):53-64. Properties: flow.
Müller S, Eller J, Ebner M, Burns C, Dahn J, & Wood V. Quantifying inhomogeneity of lithium ion battery electrodes and its influence on electrochemical performance. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2018;165(2):A339. Properties: electrical conductivity and diffusion.
Nishiyama N, & Yokoyama T. Permeability of porous media: role of the critical pore size. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2017;122(9):6955-6971. Properties: flow.
Renghini C, Giuliani A, Mazzoni S, Brun F, Larsson E, Baino F, & Vitale-Brovarone C. Microstructural characterization and in vitro bioactivity of porous glass-ceramic scaffolds for bone regeneration by synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2013;33(9):1553-1565. Properties: bone regeneration.
Saif T, Lin Q, Bijeljic B & Blunt MJ. Microstructural imaging and characterization of oil shale before and after pyrolysis. Fuel. 2017;197:562-574. Properties: Heat transfer and flow.
Siegel RA, Porous systems, In: Siepmann J, Siegel RA, & Rathbone MJ, editors. Fundamentals and Applications of Controlled Drug Delivery. Springer, New York; 2012. Properties: diffusion.
Torquato S. Random Heterogeneous Materials: Microstructure and Macroscopic Properties. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. Springer; 2002. Properties: electrical conductivity, heat transfer, diffusion, flow, stiffness, viscosity and more.
Statistical learning of structure/property relationships
Höller J, Niedermeyer J, Redenbach C, Ecke N, Schlarb AK, Andrä H, & Klein P. The effective thermal conductivity of double-reinforced composites. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020;56(10):2847-2857. Models include: anisotropy of fiber directions.
Barman S, Rootzén H, & Bolin D. Prediction of diffusive transport through polymer films from characteristics of the pore geometry. AIChE Journal. 2018;65:446-457. Models include: porosity, geodesic tortuosity, constrictivity factor, see Tutorial, Connecting 3D geometry with material properties.
Prifling B, Röding M, Townsend P, Neumann M & Schmidt, V. (2021). Large-scale statistical learning for mass transport prediction in porous materials using 90,000 artificially generated microstructures. Frontiers in Materials, 8. Models include: porosity, geodesic tortuosity, constrictivity factor, see Tutorial, Connecting 3D geometry with material properties.
Röding M, Ma Z, & Torquato S. Predicting permeability via statistical learning on higher-order microstructural information. Scientific reports, 2020;10(1):1-17. Models include: porosity, geodesic tortuosity.
Stenzel O, Pecho O, Holzer L, Neumann N, & Schmidt V. Big data for microstructure property relationships: A case study of predicting effective conductivities. AIChE Journal, 2017;63(9):4224–4232. Models include: porosity, geodesic tortuosity, constrictivity factor, see Tutorial, Connecting 3D geometry with material properties.