Running the computation-engine without the GUI
To run the computation engine on Linux, run
./voxeltools xmlfile
while in the voxeltools subdirectory in the Mist install directory, see the figure below. For xmlfile, look at the input xml-file that is saved in the result-folder when running a computation in the GUI. The same file can be used with voxeltools.
Similarly, the computation engine can be run at the Command prompt in Windows, typing
voxeltools xmlfile
while in the voxeltools subdirectory (typically C:\Program files\Mist\voxeltools).
Post-processing of 3D output
Post-processing of 3D output from Mist can be done in several ways. Open the vtk-file in Mist to apply thresholding, open the vtk-file in free 3D visualization software like Paraview, or load the vtk-file into Mist using the code supplied here. The Matlab code automatically loads all 3D vtk-files in a given folder and its subfolders, presents how to interpret the loaded data, and plots histograms and related plots. Use the code, e.g., to compute the distribution of the 1D max direction, and the 1D max direction restricted to voxels with a high max size (this is done automatically when loading 1D pore size-results).